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i love thursdays for the sole reason of coming home to a clean home. keith and i splurge to have our housekeeper come and work her magic on a weekly's a definite luxury, but one that i find really worth it.clean sheets, a freshly made bed, and our mcrosky mattress make hitting the hay quite the treat.ahhhh.....
week 13. bye bye lime, hello baby lemon.last week of my first trimester...adios to feeling icky at night and falling asleep before sunset. it also means chances for miscarriage drop significantly...good job baby, you made it!!we also have started to tell everyone about you... people are thrilled and can't wait to meet you. right now most people think you are a baby girl, but a few people are betting pretty heavily that you're a boy...can't wait to find out AND...i can't wait to be your momma.
for those of you who live and work in san francisco, you are familiar with loud, LOUD noise of the disaster alarm that sounds every tuesday at noon.this annoying alarm system (see the 4 big speakers stacked on top of each other in the center of the columns) can be heard anywhere in the 7x7 miles that san francisco covers...and quite frankly i'm sure you can hear it from even further away. the alarm sounds at noon each tuesday and is supposed to be a testing of the system in case of an emergency....the thing is, what's the point? if there is a disastrous occurrence in the city won't we all know about it anyways? is the signaling of the alarm supposed to put us all at ease by confirming that whatever the heck just happened was indeed catastrophic? just weird. but for now it will continue to serve its purpose as my cue that it's noon and that i should get out of the office and get some lunch.
there is nothing better than that fresh, sexy, want-to-flip-my-hair-back-and-forth-lots-of-times feeling that you get after a great haircut.i might be feeling chubby, and my clothes are definitely fitting tighter, but this evening you made me look and feel really pretty.thanks girlfriend!
i love springing forward. we may lose an hour of sleep but it is well worth it.time was approximately 7:21pm when this picture was taken. 7:21pm and it is not pitch gotta love daylight savings's this time of year that people start to come out of their winter hibernation... when they feel that there is a life to be had after work hours... you can feel the energy of people taking walks with friends, sitting outside at happy hour or dining al's spring... and the city is alive.
this picture is a little much... i know. not only am i very UN-tan right now, but i have a bump starting to protrude out of what was a fairly flat stomach not too long ago.but here i am WEEK 12, with a little lime growing happily and steadily inside me....all 10 of my toes can still be seen and are accounted for. i wonder what week they will disappear.
everyone needs inspiration...little bits of art, fashion, music, and miscellaneous bits that strike an inner chord and slowly weave their way into our help keep track of the treasures that i find i keep an inspiration board above my nightstand. i start with an empty board at the beginning of the year and then collect and reflect over all the treasures that end up on the board.every so often i will sit and take a closer look at what's made it on the board... some things have sentimental value, some clippings are of items i covet or desire, but most items end up being art, craft, or design based, and it is those items that inspire me most.i think that is because the amount of creative talent in the world truly amazes me. and an individuals will and ability to express themselves and share that reflection of with the world is inspirational. we all have a creative side, but the confidence it takes to put yourself out there and make yourself vulnerable to both criticism and praise takes gusto. gusto that more of us should have......gusto that i don't mind sharing in small groups but one day hope to share with the world.
rob ryan is a talented artist based out of the uk who specializes in detailed and beyond amazing papercut works. i can only wish that i had the patience, eye for negative space, and exacto-knife skill that he must possess in order to do what he does.i long to own an original papercut piece, but for now i have settled for two of his screenprinted tiles (waayyyyyyyyyy more affordable).this is not one that i bought, but the little yellow egg on this one gave me a chuckle and made me smile on the inside because i too am going to have a see more or shop for yourself visit rob here:
sorry to scare you... but tonight i went to a "girlie party" at MAC and was transformed into some sort of half geisha-half hoochie looking version of myself.unfortunately,this picture does not do justice to the caked-on-didness of the foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, bright pink blush combo that was layered on to my face. it is also does not accentuate the deeply stained plumy matte-ness of the lipstick shade i was wearing. i came home dying to see what wise comments keith would have to say about my new look and after bowing to me several times, saying "konichiwa" and calling me a geisha, he kindly asked if i would go down stares and transform back into his wife. glad he likes the real version of me better because i'm not sure i could do this to myself on a daily basis...phew!
keep calm and carry on. this slogan and graphic element was first created in london at the onset of world war ii and was meant to help maintain order and routine amongst the people in london.this graphic image has resurfaced over the past couple of years and is quite fitting during these difficult times. lately i've seen it posted in homes, at work, in magazines, and in this case a storefront window. i love it because whether it's a recession, lay-offs, breast cancer or just an all around crap day this sign quickly grounds you and gives you perspective and the gentle optimism to know that this too shall pass. keep that in your back pocket for next time you need to talk yourself out of a panic read more about the history of this click here:
many of you know that when i grow up i'd like to own a little shop that is part storefront (which would house an abundance of little treasures, paper goods, and inspirational crafts for people to purchase) and part creativity shop (where services such as custom invites, gift wrapping, etc) would be created.this will happen...but until it does, i keep myself going by offering to do invitations and little projects for my friends who are having birthdays, weddings, or babies. here is my latest project for one of my lovely lady friends who will be getting married this summer to the boy who has served as my older brother for the past 20 years or so. these invites are for her bridal shower... and because i sometimes feel i share a brain with the bride i figured hot pink and hearts would make her smile.
i walk through maritime plaza quite often, but just recently realized this statue of what appears to be a man sitting on a rock with his two chow-chows. i figured that maybe the statue was done as a tribute to an older chinese man whose daily routine included daily visits to the park to enjoy the sunshine and scenery with his two furry a looked closer i realized the sign near the statue read GEORGIA O'KEEFE. i was baffled. why did they make the talented painter look like a shriveled up old man? and why was she placed in this park with two dogs? so i did a little research and, low and behold, it turns out that sweet georgia did have a soft spot for chow-chows and she did look a little weathered from years of sunning herself while in her garden. now the statue makes so much more sense and i'll give miss georgia and the pups a "whaddup" next time i pass by them.
we had our first trimester screening today and got the chance to take a look under the hood and spy on little g. i am happy to report that our baby is happy, healthy and was very busy moving all around. phyllis, the ultrasound technician, was most impressed with the fact i was wearing heels, but keith and i were mesmerized by this little 1 1/2 inch long person who just happens to be living inside of me. i know it sounds so cheezy, but the miracle of baby-making/growing is mind blowing... i mean when you really start to think about how this whole thing happens (egg meets sperm, multiplies, turns from tadpole into living breathing baby)... it is just incredible and pretty freakin' cool. we are lucky.
WEEK 11 and growing...i thrills me to see that little g is moving right up the fruit chain ladder and is now the size of a fig. mmmm... a fig and gorgonzola cheese crostini... with maybe a touch of truffle honey. it is these types of food thoughts that are amongst the reasons for my expanding waistline.i am trying to embrace this ummm, transformation but must admit it is a little sad to say au revoir to my skinny jeans. i sure do hope we meet again later this year.