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lately i haven't been feeling that well at night and the thought of making dinner is about as appealing as getting kicked in the keith offered to put on his chef's hat and make a simple and delicious favorite of breakfast for dinner. but instead of your basic eggs and bacon he whipped up one of our most favorite breakfast sandwiches inspired by the movie spanglish, and ultimately thomas keller. talk about yum... for being a self-proclaimed novice in the kitchen, keith pulled this meal off perfectly. here are a couple links to this most delicious sandwich... or, honey... i hope we can have this again really really soon.
dear lyla,today i found out that i get to be your godmother. you're still too little to understand what that means but you should know that this means the world to must have been the way we were coo-ing and smiling at each other last sunday at cpk that assured your momma that i could handle the role of fairy god-mother. yes, that's right...fairy adding the fairy, it means that you can come to me when you're mom or dad gives you a time out... or denies you seconds on dessert... or won't let you stay out until midnight with your high school boyfriend... or yells at you for having a total rager while they were out of town. you come to me and i'll stick up for you and if they don't listen to me i'll take my fairy godmother wand and turn them into toads or maybe pigeons. i also promise that whenever we're together we'll laugh, dance, and eat ice cream together but we'll have to include your momma and sadie on this so that they aren't entirely jealous of you, us, or my fairy, fairy godmomma
i have a slight obsession with canvas tote bags. it all started with a canvas trader joe's bag about 5 years ago and has since then blossomed into quite a collection.canvas tote bags will never hold a candle to my prized marc hand bag (or the other buttery,leathery bags that i covet) BUT...replace the "handcrafted leather, really pricey, don't want to spill on, wear too much, or let it touch the ground" factors of the high end bag with the "functional, perfectly affordable, each one is unique, don't care if it gets dirty because i can wash & line dry this bad boy, eco-friendliness" of the canvas tote bag and then you start to see how easy it is to get started down my path.anyways, i recently bought the tote inspired by the site I LOVE YOU MORE THAN __________ for a friend of mine and just could not resist the temptation to buy one for moi too. now, the hard part to fill in my blank... check out what people have been loving you more than here:
sometimes it's great to be back in the 'burbs because you come across sites like this on your morning is an artful expression that is seen too little in the city. i used to love tp-ing and actually found myself to be quite good at sneaking around, methodically blanketing the boys houses in fluffy white.i also remember how much i hated cleaning up after i had been tp-ed. it made me feel for the young teen who was waiting inside to discover this mess, but then i saw the, "SADIE'S CARLY?" on the bush and hoped for Carly's sake that it was her prince charming's masterpiece of love and the fact that she'd get to dress in twin outfits with him and get their picture taken together while sitting on a bale of hay would make the clean up worthwhile.
i heart weddings...the love, the romance, the happily forever afterness of it all.the months of wedding planning are a special time in a girl's life because she gets to bring to life a day that she has spent millions of hours day-dreaming sister is getting married this year and it has been wonderful to watch her vision start to surface and come together. in my head she's always been my baby sister, forever engraved in my head as a clutzy little girl running around with a big smile on her face...but today as i watched her try on these beautiful wedding gowns i got teary eyed at times looking at what a stunning, passionate and gorgeous lady that she's grown into. i hope she knows what a catch she is. ...and even though she's all grown up i also hope she knows that as her big sister i will always have the special crying power to cast over her. hahaha! xoxo
... feeling uninspired today.
meet joanna and toot.they are husband and wife, lovers (ewww), best friends, partners in crime...and on occasion total enemies.and, i am happy to say that besides raising me with oodles of unconditional love, allowing me to spread my wings, and instilling a strong set of values for me to build my life around, they have also become my role models, mentors, and great friends.
here you go. WEEK TEN. baby kumquat.little g has officially made it from tadpole like status to a little human looking fetus. good job baby! keep on growing healthy & happily... just take it easy on your momma, she doesn't want to grow as fast as you.
you're eyes are not playing tricks on you... this here is a RAT, sitting on a CAT, hanging out on top of a DOG.these three amigos were just cruisin' down chestnut street this afternoon, each balanced on top of each other in perfect took me a few moments to process the fact that three species who are known not to really care of the company of one another were at peace and quite comfortable hanging out on top of each other. it led me to believe that if this type of harmony can happen within the animal kingdom then surely world peace must be within our reach... right?
we had a short break in what's been a monsoon of sorts for the past couple of days. as i walked down the street, the shadow casted onto the sidewalk caught my eye. part eery, part dreamlike, i felt like i was in one of those movies where the princess finds herself alone, lost in a dark forest and the trees and branches start to come to life. they try to grab her and hold her hostage forever, but she somehow finds her way back home... and luckily, so did i.
for the past six year's we've spent valentine's weekend with my father in law, ray, and his group of friends at a wine tasting and food pairing lunch at nicholson ranch.the event is always a blast and the outing seems to get bigger and more elaborate with each year that passes. the day usually starts with bubbles on the way to napa, wine tasting in the tasting room to wet our whistles, and then sip upon sip, glass upon glass, we taste their chardonnay, pinot, syrah, and merlot flights paired with a fabulous 3 course meal. the evening ends with each of us, quite over served, piling back into the limo, giggling and hiccupping our way back to the city... it is so much fun.this year, i got to experience the day from my new place in the sober seat. was it an enjoyable day? yes. did i feel like i missed out on the fun? yes... and if you don't believe me, this picture should sum up quite succinctly just how much fun i missed out on.
see, i wasn't lying. my office is a dungeon. believe it or not the dim buzzing flourescent lights were indeed on when this picture was help spruce up the drearyness that this office so often exudes, i downloaded a most fitting background... oodles of doodled hearts thanks to my crafty cyberfriend over at how about orange. ...she also taught me the coolest trick (once you figure out the right way to bend the dang thing) of how to turn your average paperclip into a heart! check it out here:
the calm before the storm... there is nothing like it. sometimes i am almost mesmerized by the slow but steady movement of clouds moving inland taking over the sky and draping it in tones of grey. the air is damp with that faint smell of impending knee aches... another sign that the storm is almost here.i can't wait to get myself home, bundle up with keith, and listen to the soothing pitter patter of all those angels in heaven having a good cry.
not sure what it is about flowers that bring instant happiness to one's life. they make bad days seem more cheery and good days all the better.each flower has its own personality and each of of us has our favorite.there is nothing i love more than the beginning of spring when little splashes of color start to pop. everything starts to come out of hibernation and come alive.j'adore le printemps.
alright... because the few people reading this blog are amongst my nearest and dearest, most of you know that the reason i've been eating non-stop, feeling bloated & gassy, and maybe been a bit moody is because a little pickle is growing inside me. and again, because you are the people i love and trust most, i have decided to share with you the journey of my expanding belly. that's get a weekly glimpse into my pants becoming tighter, my waistline expanding, a bump surfacing, and the rest of me hopefully staying in here you have it. WEEK NINE. baby grape.p.s. i have now updated january 13th's post
t-minus five days until valentines day... and t-minus six days until the super sale on conversation hearts, heart shaped chocolates, heart shaped peeps, and all things pink and red become available for near pennies....walgreens here i come!this heart reminded me of my favorite valentine's candy... willy wonka heartbreakers. it's like a gobstopper but heartshaped. if you like that sort of candy this will not disappoint.
during the months when winter transforms into spring, the most breathtaking blanketing of vibrant yellow takes over the fields and vineyards in the wine's the blossoming of mustard greens that is responsible for this display of awesomeness, and yet another way that momma earth shows us how precious and magnificent she is.
there is nothing like a day of wine-tasting and delicious eats to make you appreciate living in such a gastronomic mecca.we spent today in napa with keith's side of the family and i could not stop thinking about how lucky we are. we have some of the best wines in the world at our fingertips and some of the most sought after food in the country right under our noses.the sun was shining, it was a warm winter day, and we took advantage of it all...we ate, we drank, and we were merry. it was fabulous. and, one of my favorite parts of any day in the wine country is the lasting evidence the grapes leave. not only do you leave with a nice buzz, but many walk away with stained teeth and if you're scott, my brother-in-law, you get a purple tongue.
truth be told... the kid in me still LOVES mcdonalds. it's the grown-up in me (who has read fast food nation & saw super-sized) that gets grossed out at the thought of putting such processed, un-natural food into my body.but yet sometimes (and sometimes even more often than that) i feel i must succumb to the fat-american inside of me and indulge my cravings.keith and i went to town tonight. we stuffed ourselves with cheeseburgers, fries, mcnuggets and then washed it down with ice cold bubbly soda. it was a picnic of calories, sodium, fat (and probably hefty amounts of trans fats too) but we loved each tasty bite.i do get a little queasy looking at this picture but sadly, i know it's just a matter of time until i'll be lovin' it once more.
i recently became the proud owner of a hot pink beanie made of the softest coziest yarn on the planet. there are only a few people who truly understand (and appreciate) the necessary-ness of having hot pink as an integral part of a girl's life. so only those few will fully grasp what a perfect accessory this beanie is. i got a lot of smiles on my way to work today and i'm pretty positive its because my beanie was the one bright spot in an otherwise gloomy morning.
it's february... the month of L-O-V-E. a month decorated with red and pink, tons of hearts, cupids, chocolate, and uber-displays of love and affection. i think it's great, but i also think it puts A LOT of pressure on people...especially the boys who are smitten with a new kitten and want to impress. today an old co-worker of mine reviewed his valentine's day plans with me to see if, as a lady, i would give it a thumbs up. here goes....before his fancy dinner reservations he's going to go to his valentime's house with champagne & presents. in the first box, there is going to be a stuffed giraffe (an inside joke). in the second box, a COACH purse. and then, he's going to tell her to look inside the purse where tucked neatly inside the side pocket will be two orchestra seat tickets to the phantom of the opera. then if things go right she will "thank him" appropriately before they head off to dinner....WOW, right? needless to say, i told him he was on the right track. then i smiled happily to myself because although perfect for him & his girl, i opt for a more simple version of love. keith and i have a valentime's tradition of a fresh dungenous crab dinner complete with butter, crusty bread, and champagne... at home. no presents.just goodness.
today was just one of those days when sitting at my desk seemed like the worst idea on the planet. the sun was shining but with chances of rain in our future made the smart decision to put work aside and get outside to take advantage of le soleil.we decided to walk along the embarcadero, down one of the piers to check out what the fishermen were reeling in, and then head to the ferry building to taste our way thru the farmer's market and grab a bite to eat. it was perfect. the sun was warm with a slight breeze at our backs. on the pier we were mesmerized by the chinese crab catchers who were busy catching crabs and tossing the small guys back (my dad would have totally been into this). then we caught the tail end of the farmer's market and sampled oranges, crackers, nuts, and then ate lunch. it was an extended lunch filled with life's simple pleasures and i just loved that.
ah...the things you find when walking down market street.bums, pan-handlers, business executives, and the occasional traveler wedged up against the handle of his cane.this picture is not zoomed in enough to emphasize just how firmly lodged the handle was between his cheeks, but wow... this could not have been comfortable for the guy.
this morning i stopped in hayes valley to pick up some treats to take to the east bay, and as i walked into la boulange, i noticed this huge white PEACE sign in the middle of the park. i heart it. it's neat to think about how such a simply designed symbol (and it's sister the two fingered peace sign) have carried such power, meaning and hope throughout several decades. i also love that i saw this early in the morning before the city was awake. to me, it is the most peaceful time of day...when all is at ease and fresh to what the day holds.
walking around the city's neighborhoods is one of my most favorite things to do. not only am i clocking in miles on the pedometer (no, i don't actually wear one) but i get to window shop, people watch & take in all the uniqueness of this wonderful i was walking down polk street today, i stumbled upon this glorious display of rackets... tennis, squash, racquetball, you name it and this guy had the racket for it. and...they were all FREE! it left me wondering...a) how long he'd been "collecting" rackets for b) why he was giving them away for free c) if anyone walked by and noticed a racket that was once theirs but had suddenly gone missingi didn't get one, but the old school simple tennis racket, 2nd from the top, did catch my eye.
the closest safeway to my house is a few blocks away, in a more, umm... diverse... part of town. keith and i have affectionately renamed this safeway "the ghettoway". the ghettoway has recently been updated and remodeled which is a huge plus, but they have added amenities such as organic produce, a starbucks, a bank, and these here self-service check out machines that have left many of the local patrons confused and a bit over-whelmed.the self service check out consists of 6 mini lanes where customers scan in their basket, then bag, pay and carry out their groceries. it is meant to move people, with a few items, in and out of the store quickly and efficiently. unfortunately, it ended up taking twice as long because people were trying to skip the scanning part and enter items straight into their bags, which then requires a store clerk to come over, recheck all the items and educate people on the proper process... it was truly amazing to watch... for 25 minutes as i stood their kinda patiently awaiting my turn. i expect this process to get better, but was left wondering just how long it will take for the ghettoway to realize they are moving more inventory then is actually being paid for.
dear colored jeans- i am glad you're back in style. when i was about 6 or 7 years old, i had a pair of red jordache jeans that i pretty much wore on a daily basis. they were i have a pair of berry colored jeans, and although i now know better than to wear them everyday, i still get that giddy feeling when i slip them on. on a total side note...for those of you who know about my thigh issues, you can clearly see that my right thigh (shown on the left here) is still bigger than the left but with three surgeries under its belt the ethiopian left leg is making a comeback. physical therapy is paying off.
birthdays. i love them. and although i don't like people making a fuss over mine, i think they are symbolic and definite cause for celebration.birthday's commemorate the start of a new year of personal growth and celebration of all the lessons learned & moment's experienced in the prior year...and unlike new years, there are no resolutions or goals that we hold ourselves to within the 365 days until the next birthday rolls around. life's adventure and milestones come at different times and come about in different ways for everyone. i think it's what makes sharing life with your family and friends so exciting. We are able to live vicariously through each other and celebrate the happenings together.we just celebrated brownie's birthday...a month late. didn't matter though, big fake cake with a sparkler shooting out of it makes the belatedness okay. happy birthday girl!