today i found out that i get to be your godmother. you're still too little to understand what that means but you should know that this means the world to me.
it must have been the way we were coo-ing and smiling at each other last sunday at cpk that assured your momma that i could handle the role of fairy god-mother. yes, that's right...fairy godmother.
by adding the fairy, it means that you can come to me when you're mom or dad gives you a time out... or denies you seconds on dessert... or won't let you stay out until midnight with your high school boyfriend... or yells at you for having a total rager while they were out of town.
you come to me and i'll stick up for you and if they don't listen to me i'll take my fairy godmother wand and turn them into toads or maybe pigeons.
i also promise that whenever we're together we'll laugh, dance, and eat ice cream together but we'll have to include your momma and sadie on this so that they aren't entirely jealous of you, us, or my fairy powers.
fairy godmomma
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