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for most of my 31 years, i've had a slender, athletic looking body that slightly resembled that of a 17 year old boy... but NOW, i've got humps, lumps & curves galore. it is sooooooooooo cool. plump rump? check!lady lumps w/ cleavage!!??! check!baby bump? check!i think fergie said it best...
i believe they were called "yuppies" back in the 80's... those Young.Urban.Professionals who were often seen briskly walking through downtown in their power suits and reebok lace-ups.well fast forward twenty-something years and here we are, breaking out the tennie's on our lunch break. we are well aware of the fact that this is a fashion DON'T, but there are somethings that you are willing to overlook when you can combine a) sunshine b) 2.5 miles of exercise c) a trader joe's run all within the course of an hour. some call it a power hour, but we like to call it brilliant.
week 23. baby! you are the size of a large mango. ...and you do the tango in my belly.hope you're having fun in there because you sure are starting to take up a lot of space.loving you more than anything.
music fascinates me. it has moved me ever since i was a little girl. so much is felt, expressed, and experienced through music. this is only amplified when you get the opportunity to see a band perform live, stripped of all remastering and editing.tonight i got the pleasure of seeing rock-n-roll legends fleetwood mac. i have to say, for a bunch of 60 year olds these guys put on an AMAZING show. not only are they uber-talented musicians, but they are a group of rockstars who have had their highs & lows and have so much history and emotional attachment that it oozes from them. couple of notes:- lindsay buckingham and stevie nicks' history/chemistry/tension/torrid love for each other is insane.- mick fleetwood is beyond rad & one of the best percussionists i've seen.- stevie nicks has still got it.- mick fleetwood is beyond rad...wait, did i already say that? i heart him.seeing them really makes me wish i had been in the city during san francisco's musical hay-day. what a trip it must have been.
week 23. hi baby... you are now as heavy as a large mango... and if we could weigh you, you'd be one whole pound! i swear that sometimes i can feel my tummy growing bigger, but it doesn't is so satisfying knowing that you're growing happily inside me. daddy and i feel you moving around a lot more and we can sometimes even see you moving and pushing from inside my tummy. it is crazy cool.momma is still trying to stay active, but i'm starting to feel winded a lot sooner than i normally do. i can only imagine what's to come in the weeks ahead. xoxo.
i am a fan of street art. i think it takes imagination, skill, and the use of all sorts of creative thinking to execute is a wall down in the mission that made from cut paper that is then plastered to the brick wall. so intricate. so delicate. and a true exercise in both talent and patience. a testament to what can happen when the right side of your brain is unleashed.
in a state as health conscious as california, it is good to see donuts making a bit of a resurgence. i am all for wheatgrass and whole wheat bagels, but every once in a while you have to indulge your inner craving and enjoy the calorie-ridden goodness of a (enter favorite type of donut here) dynamo donut. not your average old-fashion/sprinkles/sugar donut maker. these are "gourmet" donuts and are made with only the most fresh, organic, and local ingredients available. we missed maple bacon donut day, but we did sample FOUR of the daily flavors: meyer lemon huckleberry, vanilla bean, caramel/fleur de sel, and stawberries & creme. yikes...these were some tasty cakes, especially strawberries & creme. To top it off, they served stumptown coffee, which i found during my stay at the Ace Hotel- Portland. so good!!! glutonous temptations and a really delicoius way to start your saturday morning.
i'm down in LA today and got to spend the evening with cori and adam.i happened to come across this piece of masking tape in the restroom of the restaurant we were having dinner at. i thought it was an odd place to be reminded of such a nice compliment. i washed my hands, did a little primping, and walked out of the restroom feeling refreshed and confident, rocking my pregnancy are beautiful. ...makes you smile doesn't it.
week 22. spaghetti squash.hi little guy. my little squash. my little squirmer. you are the coolest science experiement to ever happen to my body. you are moving around SO much now and even daddy can feel you do your karate chops.they say if we could see inside my tummy that you'd look like a little human now. your eyes, nose, ears, etc are all in their right places and your tooth buds are even starting to form. you go little dude. we love you.
look at us... me and my godchild, in god's house. can't you tell what a spiritual and guiding light i will be in little lyla's life? it was quite an honor to be there as she was accepted into god's loving arms. there was no crying or fussing. she was calm, cool, collected and looked GREAT in her christening gown.godfather and i have big plans for this little one. xoxo weewa.
week 21. hello chiquita banana.little dude is starting to wiggle around quite a bit these days. keith still can't feel the kicks, but i think he should start to feel the thumps any day tummy seems to be on an accelerated growth chart, but as of this moment (knock on wood) the cocoa butter seems to be doing its job and stretch marks have not yet made their debut.i have officially taken the plunge and made a few maternity purchases... and YES world, i like to wear the elastic waste band up and over the belly. it makes me laugh every time.
these little toes are broke. at first, SOMEONE didn't remember HOW they got broken, but a quick x-ray down at the local ER confirmed that when you start drinking at 10am and don't come home until 3:30am the next morning you can indeed end up with broken body parts.thankfully on monday, after the hangover subsided & with the help of some people who were with this person (who shall rename nameless) when the breaking of the toe occurred, the events of the evening were pieced back together again and will remain a vivid memory for the next four weeks while this person lives the life of elevating, icing, and wearing a hospital velcro bootie around town.poor little toe.
i took today's picture in honor of my was her last day of radiation. this in itself is huge because it consumed her every day for six weeks, but more than that it signifies the end of the horrible journey she went through in order to recover from breast cancer.momma, you did it!!! your strength, positivity, and sheer gut got you to this day. you are my hero.i got teary when i saw the was almost like the heavens shined down and gave us a perfect sunset to mark how far you've come and to help you look forward to the beautiful days ahead.
week 20.we're at the HALF WAY point, folks!!! and we're dressing things up a little more from here on out. no more belly pictures of me in my p.j.'s... THAT is my promise to you.belly continues to get rounder, and it is hard to tell here, but my belly button now pokes out on an all-the-time basis. i am trying as best i know how to embrace it and treat it as the latest & greatest accessory to have on your tummy, replacing the belly button piercing.i also think my secret is out to the masses... i have moved beyond looking like i've sucked down a few too many slices of pizza and now officially look pregnant. the defining moment here was on a bus ride to work when two ladies both offered me their seat. it caught me off guard and i respectfully declined their sweet offer. i figure i should stand while i can because come a few months from now i'm going to be doing jedi-mind tricks on people to get them to give up their seats!
i love weddings, but after having my own, i think i have learned to love them even more. by going through the process you gain perspective and can fully appreciate the blood, sweat & tears that go into the planning, the creative details, and most importantly the mood, ambiance, and energy that the bride and groom want their day to entail.each wedding is unique, yet they are all magical... which in turn makes me inevitably mushballish at each one that i attend. yes, mushballish.congrats, carisa and eddie. your day was beautiful., what a day!!!here is the first picture of our little BOY!!! little g is now officially a little dude!!! keith and i spent the morning with phyllis, the ultrasound technician, going over each and every body part of our little baby to make sure everything was there and accounted for. it's absolutely amazing to see, and you just don't want the appointment to end. it is weird to think it's the last time we'll see our baby before he enters this crazy world!rather than find out the sex while we were sitting in the room, we had phyllis write the baby's sex on a piece of paper and seal it all up in an envelope. we then drove as fast as we could to breakfast where we appointed our lovely waitress to open and read aloud the good news. keith jumped out of his chair when he heard & i couldn't help but smile my biggest dream of having an oldest boy is going to come true!!!
week my large heirloom tomato. i think little g sounds quite delicious.joke for you..."what did the momma tomato say to the baby tomato who was running behind her??"momma g's tummy is becoming rounder by the day, but it makes me happier than a clam to know that a little somebody, who is going to be so special to us, is cooking away inside.p.s.- momma tomato said, "ketchup...ketchup."
week bell pepper. just one more week until we know if we have a girl pepper or a boy pepper.
nothing like a quick jump rope session to warm you up for a half marathon. there are athletes and then there is gio.
meet bosco. aimee and i met this little pup as we sat outside of eastside west to enjoy some friday afternoon sun.cutest dog with a rad owner, a sassy older lady (pixie haircut, tattoo on wrist, impeccably dressed) who stopped to chat and casually mentioned that she was just out picking up a couple bottles of wine, then drove away (with bosco sitting shotgun) in an all black sequoia. aimee and i were 100% in awe and envy of the whole situation...we can only HOPE we'll be that cool when we grow up.
today geenz and i walked home and as we crossed van ness we came across this pair of musical lovebirds.perched atop a couple of newspaper stands he played his guitar while she watched intently, mesmerized by his every strum.young, bleached blonde hair, acid washed jeans, great accessories, black jackets...totally rebellious and totally smitten with each other. i couldn't pass them up without snapping a shot, so i hid in the bus shelter and captured their musical moment of love.