i am all for wheatgrass and whole wheat bagels, but every once in a while you have to indulge your inner craving and enjoy the calorie-ridden goodness of a (enter favorite type of donut here) donut.
meet dynamo donut. http://dynamosf.com/ not your average old-fashion/sprinkles/sugar donut maker. these are "gourmet" donuts and are made with only the most fresh, organic, and local ingredients available. we missed maple bacon donut day, but we did sample FOUR of the daily flavors: meyer lemon huckleberry, vanilla bean, caramel/fleur de sel, and stawberries & creme. yikes...these were some tasty cakes, especially strawberries & creme. To top it off, they served stumptown coffee, which i found during my stay at the Ace Hotel- Portland. so good!!!http://www.stumptowncoffee.com/locations/ace
glutonous temptations and a really delicoius way to start your saturday morning.
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